Friday, August 10, 2007 

HUC5 Parameters

As HUC4 Champeeeeeen and newly appointed HUC5 Commissioner I hereby layout the structure for HUC5:

Number of Players: 32* (first pay, first served)

Entry Fee: $30 (paid in advance to Fuel55 at FullTilt or Stars)

Places Paid:
4 (1st thru 4th will be paid $432, $288, $144 and $96, respectively)

Structure: Preliminary rounds will be best of 3 and Final 4 will be best of 5

Organization: Players will have 5 days per round to organize and complete their match - the winner will give me the match results

Suggested games: Poker Stars HU SNGs with NO blind increases** - these games are the true test of skill and don't ever create "shootout" situations. Of course each pairing can determine the game/price point that best suits them. And, of course, side bets are encouraged.

* If the response is particularly overwhelming I will consider increasing the field to 64 players.

** These SNGs come in a variety of entry price points ($105, $52.50, $31.50, $21, and $10.50)

Once you pay please email me your full name, blog, user name on Stars and Tilt so that I can compile a player database. As always my email is fuel55 at veltheer dot com.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007 


As the recently elected Commissioner of HUC5, I would like to announce that details of HUC5 will be forthcoming soon.
